Akkerman, in Brownsdale, MN

5 star(s) from 6 votes
58256 266th Street
Brownsdale, Minnesota 55918

About Akkerman, Inc.

Akkerman Inc., headquartered in Brownsdale, Minnesota, is a worldwide manufacturer of pipe jacking and tunneling equipment that accurately installs a variety of underground infrastructure.

The company's in-house engineering department applies current standards and continually reviews, reassesses, and enhances its equipment offerings.

One of the key benefits of owning an Akkerman TBM Series 2 is the interchangeable cutter head feature that can rock up to 15,000 psi and the ability to tackle different ground conditions with the high-capacity TBM bearing with a two-speed hydraulic drive system. It is a heavy-duty bearing assay that is oil bath and grease purged lubricated, unlike in the past. The fully sealed drive system on the Series 2 cuts down on refurbishment time and the optional earth pressure balance mode to 1 bar of pressure.

Over the years, Akkerman has introduced their manned pipe jacking, microtunneling, guided boring, and earth pressure balance systems to expand the range of sizes, ground conditions, and complexities in which their systems perform.


Image From Akkerman, Inc.

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Tools and Equipment » Directional Drilling and Boring

Listing last checked/updated Sunday, September 10th, 2023

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