Alpha Pipeline Integrity Services, in Kemah, Texas

4.67 star(s) from 3 votes
304 Meadow Lane
Kemah, Texas 77565

About Alpha Pipeline Integrity Services, Inc.

Alpha Pipeline Integrity Services, Inc., in Kemah, Texas, provides pipeline-related services, including tracer gas leak detection for effectively pinpointing small, non-surfacing leaks in buried pipelines.

Finding leaks in process equipment such as exchangers & coolers, designing and installing cathodic protection systems, external & internal direct assessment surveys to precisely find coating defects and anomalies, and electronic buried line location.

Pipeline pig tracking uses the latest electromagnetic technology, ultrasonic equipment, tank testing, non-metallic pipeline repair, and ultrasonic leak detection on land and water.

Alpha Pipeline Integrity Services also offers electronic buried line location, pig tracking and locating, and non-metallic pipeline repair system (Diamond Wrap™) installation.

Image From Alpha Pipeline Integrity Services, Inc.

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Listed under:
Locating, Inspection, and Tracking Tools

Listing last checked/updated Sunday, May 29th, 2022

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