RapidView, LLC in Rochester, Indiana

4.57 star(s) from 7 votes
1828 West Olson Road
Rochester, Indiana 46975

About RapidView, LLC

RapidView, LLC is a leading supplier of high-quality, high-production professional sewer, water, industrial, and other pipeline inspection cameras, sewer inspection software, and sewer pipe rehabilitation robotics to the North American market. 

The company's primary product line is from IBAK Helmut Hunger GmbH & Co. KG of Kiel, Germany, a manufacturer of high-quality CCTV pipeline inspection systems since 1957. Rapidview imports distributes, and services the complete IBAK camera inspection product line within North America from our Rochester, Indiana, facility.

RapidView products can be purchased through an extensive dealership network, which includes numerous service and repair centers to keep customers operational.


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Listed under:
Locating, Inspection, and Tracking Tools

Listing last checked/updated Saturday, November 23rd, 2024

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