Internal Pipeline Solutions, in Venus, Texas

4.6 star(s) from 10 votes
2450 Chambers St
Venus, Texas 76084

About Internal Pipeline Services

Internal Pipeline Services (IPS), headquartered in Venus, Texas, is the international leader in internal pipeline cleaning and coating. It offers a wide range of cost-effective solutions.

The company specializes in applying epoxy coating inside pipelines to combat corrosion issues. The IPS process is unique in that up to 20-mile sections of new and old pipelines are cleaned and epoxy-coated without digging up or segmenting.

Pipeline pigs mechanically and chemically clean the full length of the pipeline and then apply a unique corrosion-resistant epoxy coating to complete the process.

IPS pipe cleaning and coating is a viable and cost-effective solution for maintaining the integrity of your pipelines.

The in-situ process is one of the few technologies that deliver a continuous epoxy barrier to long pipe sections. IPS can provide solutions for corrosion, product purity, or flow problems.


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Listing last checked/updated Saturday, November 23rd, 2024

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